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Westside 5:45 Thu Aug 30
Re: Divorce - Advice Needed please
Virtually every solicitors firm in the land, will do a free first half hour consultation (in the hope you engage them, of course).

Why not do that and take it from there?

Eerie Descent 5:47 Thu Aug 30
Re: Divorce - Advice Needed please
boleyn8420 5:28 Thu Aug 30

Those times when #Me2 goes out the window.

Bit like when there's limited spaces on rescue boats for a sinking ship.

Alfs 5:59 Thu Aug 30
Re: Divorce - Advice Needed please
Your story reads very differently here....

BigDingus 5:37 Thu Apr 27
Buying a House - Advice Please
Have been renting since the missus cleaned me out a while back but have come into some money (250k) - which will buy me a bang average house round where I live. So

a) Is a good time to buy right now ?

b) Should I just buy something outright or put the majority down and then get a small mortgage in order to get something better (bearing in mind I'm 55 and don't earn loads).

JLAP 6:01 Thu Aug 30
Re: Divorce - Advice Needed please
Wipe your knob across the decree nisi and you will be fine... it worked for me anyway.

Fortunes Hiding 6:07 Thu Aug 30
Re: Divorce - Advice Needed please
Alfs 5:59 Thu Aug 30

Stalker alert!

Side of Ham 6:07 Thu Aug 30
Re: Divorce - Advice Needed please
I'm gutted for you that even having a BigDingus didn't save your relationship.

But i suppose she can make do with a 12 inch 18ct Gold dildo now.

Dr Moose 6:09 Thu Aug 30
Re: Divorce - Advice Needed please

All he did was click on BD's name and see the list of threads he's posted on.

boltkunt 6:09 Thu Aug 30
Re: Divorce - Advice Needed please
Can't be arsed to read the posts below but am I the only wrong who finds it massively cuntish Dignus is trying to claim money which doesn't have much to do with him?

Nurse Ratched 6:10 Thu Aug 30
Re: Divorce - Advice Needed please


Side of Ham 6:11 Thu Aug 30
Re: Divorce - Advice Needed please
Dr Moose 6:09 Thu Aug 30

Potential Stalker Alert!

Side of Ham 6:12 Thu Aug 30
Re: Divorce - Advice Needed please
boltkunt 6:09 Thu Aug 30

Not if she's the massive cunt.

boltkunt 6:14 Thu Aug 30
Re: Divorce - Advice Needed please
So what if she is or not. Doesn't warrant trying to fleece her for doe because of an technicality.

it's not right when birds do it, and would have said exactly hte same thing if it were vice versa.

Money is the brunt of all evil.

Side of Ham 6:20 Thu Aug 30
Re: Divorce - Advice Needed please
He won't be fleecing her, I'd gauge she'd still have a healthy lump of it even if he gets any anyways. He might not have been able to earn much and paid for her to sit at home and be a bad housewife for all you know.

It's all about earning potential really and like in many womens cases they give up a career to be a mother etc so lose the potential to be able to look after themselves financially so are entitled to claim half years down the line to ensure they live comfortably or if not sustain themselves.

Brooking_is_GOD 6:37 Thu Aug 30
Re: Divorce - Advice Needed please
Get a woman lawyer. That was the best bit of advice I received when I went through my divorce. I did and I believe it made a difference.

As for if you are entitled to the money? No idea.

wrighty 6:39 Thu Aug 30
Re: Divorce - Advice Needed please
You may be "entitled" to it but its hers, just walk away and have some fun. Put it behind you and both sign a clean break order and ignore each.

Tomsdad 6:39 Thu Aug 30
Re: Divorce - Advice Needed please
So is he making up this stories just to get attention?

terry-h 6:46 Thu Aug 30
Re: Divorce - Advice Needed please
I'm still waiting for BigDingus to reply to Alfs earlier post.

Deanooooo 6:48 Thu Aug 30
Re: Divorce - Advice Needed please
Assuming you have nothing to offer / lose in the proceedings which it sounds like and the missus is being a nob then surely nothing to lose by trying to go after a share of it?

I am sure everyone saying to move on and leave it would have a change of heart if they found themselves single and could get an unexpected 125k lump to have some fun with.

Too Much Too Young 7:00 Thu Aug 30
Re: Divorce - Advice Needed please

Sorry to hear that mate.

Speaking from experience, yes you are entitled to half of her assets, likewise her of yours.

You should try and get her to agree to go the mediation route, which will work out much cheaper for you both.

That process will see both of you declare all assets and the mediator (who is in essence a solicitor, but not on the make) will offer up what would likely happen should you go with the full solicitor route.

If she had got that inheritance before you got married, then she could have a case for not sharing, but if was only a few years ago, she will be hard pushed not to share it.

a 50/50 split is the norm, unless she has a very solid case as to why she should keep it.

The mediation route will cost around £1,500 each, plus a few court hearing costs.

Good luck

Nurse Ratched 7:13 Thu Aug 30
Re: Divorce - Advice Needed please
I don't understand this differing stories business unless BD is trying to gain insight about whether or not his wife is entitled to a share of his 250k (even if he has tried to hide the cash) but is too embarrassed to say "Can I get away with not giving her any of my windfall?"

Alfs 7:17 Thu Aug 30
Re: Divorce - Advice Needed please
That's my take on it, too, Nurse.

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